Buena Vista Gem Works - Cabochons Gems for Sale by Colorado USA Cutter

Polished Cabochons

Are you Looking for some polished cabochons to make your own jewelry or other creations? We have a variety of Colorado Cabs, including Columbine Blue Agate and Colorado Turquoise, as well as other cabs from around the USA. Some are calibrated, some not, some freeformed. We have just a few listed currently on the above web pages and we are working hard on getting a lot more of our better cabs listed.

In the meantime, if you have an interest in purchasing Colorado Leadville Turquoise cabs or Colorado Columbine Blue Agate cabs, send me an email (or call/text) and I will send you some pictures of what I have in stock and then work personally with you in helping you purchase what you need/want.
